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Beautiful U 

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Be Devine, Be Exclusive, Be Yourself!

A Taste of Beauty

The Story of
Beautiful U Boutique

Beautiful U Boutique derives from humble beginnings. As a young girl my mother inspired entrepreneurial ambition in me by helping to set up a candy store from the basement of our home. When I became a young adult,  I worked  for one of the largest retail chain establishments in the state of Illinois. Working there I was exposed to a variety of couture suits, dresses, and beautiful gowns. I even assisted with providing custom merchandise that was designed for our most elite entertainers from Chicago and across the nation.


Looking back, I even  remember experiencing various aromas that filled the air with the most beautiful scents from all over the world; and the excitement and allure of being a part of the fashion industry never left me. As I continued my journey through life, I always had the desire of owning my own business and leaving a legacy for my family . In 2019 the pandemic hit the country hard, the economic impact caused  me to begin thinking really hard about my future and leaving my family a legacy.  For that reason, in 2020 Beautiful U Boutique LLC arrived. At Beautiful U Boutique, we believe that everyone is beautiful regardless of ethnicity, body type or physical abilities. We pride ourselves on our customers looking and feeling beautiful, that is why we believe in giving the best customer experience possible.


                 Be Devine, Be Exclusive, Be Yourself!


May 6th & 27th, 2023 


2101 E. 71st St, Chicago, IL

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